
Mango Ginger: Health Benefits, Uses & Recipes

by Jaywant Chowgule on Mar 17, 2022

Mango Ginger: Health Benefits, Uses & Recipes

Mango Ginger, also known as Manga Inchi, is a powerful spice which, as per Ayurveda, is used for various health issues.

It may look like normal ginger due to its irregularly branched rhizomes and white flesh, but it is not really ginger and has the rich sweet flavour of raw mango.

However, mango ginger is nowhere close to a mango or a ginger. Confused? Well, the spice actually belongs to the same family as Turmeric. But unlike turmeric’s rich yellow tissue, mango ginger just has a pale yellow core. 

Almost all the major languages of India have a name for the spice, suggesting its long history of use in the country.

In Bengal, it is known as amaada, in Gujarat it’s known as amba haldar. In Malayalam it’s referred to as manga inchi.

In India, Mango Ginger is widely cultivated in Gujarat, West Bengal, Uttar Pradesh, Karnataka, and Tamil Nadu, where it is usually planted in April and harvested seven to eight months later.

In terms of nutrition, 100 grams of Mango Ginger shows the following nutritional profile:

Energy (Ecal)


Moisture (g)


Protein (g)


Fat (g)


Fibre (g)


Carbohydrates (g)


Calcium (mg)


Phosphorous (mg)


Iron (mg)


Health Benefits of Mango Ginger

Mango Ginger

According to Ayurveda, Mango Ginger is known for several therapeutic properties and hence is used extensively for treating digestive issues.

Mango Ginger is known for its antibacterial, antifungal, anti-inflammatory, antioxidant properties and as per Ayurveda, is known to pacify all 3 doshas in the body especially, Pitta dosha.

Mango Ginger for Digestive Problems

One of the main uses of Mango Ginger is to treat digestive issues. Mango Ginger contains an enzyme called enterokinase that helps break down proteins to organic compounds which helps digestion. It also helps relieve gas and improves appetite.

Mango Ginger for Breathing Problems 

According to Ayurveda, mango Ginger is excellent for treating breathing problems such as bronchitis and asthma due to its expectorant and analgesic properties. It also helps in getting rid of cold and cough.

Mango Ginger for Skin Problems 

Mango ginger is loaded with powerful antioxidant and antimicrobial properties. This helps detoxify the body and removes all harmful toxins from the body, so it is great for treating skin problems like acne and itching.

Mango Ginger for Swelling

Due to the anti-inflammatory nature of Mango Ginger, it’s used in the treatment of swelling in the joints caused due to arthritis and rheumatism.

You can use it to provide relief from swelling caused by injuries, sprains, and bruises.

Mango Ginger for Hair and Dandruff 

Mango Ginger is used in Ayurveda for getting rid of dandruff due to its antimicrobial and anti-fungal properties. Applying the paste of Mango ginger on the scalp and hair helps get rid of dandruff and lice.

Uses of Mango Ginger

Medicinal uses of Mango Ginger

  • Mix mango ginger with a glass of buttermilk to treat indigestion and improve appetite.
  • Massaging with mango ginger mixed with sesame oil can help relieve pain.
  • Mix and consume mango ginger with honey to cure cough and cold
  • Apply mango ginger with rose water to treat skin conditions

Culinary uses of Mango Ginger

  • Mango ginger is widely used to prepare pickles, chutneys, sauce and candies.
  • You can either eat mango ginger raw, use it with meat items to enhance its taste, or as a seasoning to decorate vegetables.
  • Use mango ginger as a palate cleanser between meal courses by simply cutting it into small pieces and mixing with salt and lemon juice
  • If you want to stimulate appetite, make sure you have some of Mango Ginger’s rhizomes.

Mango Ginger Recipes

Here are a few instant Mango Ginger recipes you can try in no time to get its unique flavour in your taste palette.

Mango Ginger Dressing

This lip-smacking mango ginger recipe goes well with salads, sandwiches or whatever your fancy desires. The recipe below makes about 100 ml of dressing.


  • 2 tbsp mango ginger, grated
  • 2 cloves garlic
  • Quarter cup cold-pressed sunflower oil
  • 2 tbsp honey
  • Juice of 2 limes
  • 1 small green chilli, chopped (optional)
  • Half tsp black pepper
  • Half tsp salt


  • Blend all the ingredients in a small jar of the mixer until thick and creamy. 
  • Transfer into an air-tight glass jar. 
  • Save the airtight jar in the fridge and use the dressing within five-six days. 
  • The oil tends to separate out in the fridge. 
  • Give the bottle a good shake before using.
  • Use one tablespoon of dressing per portion of salad. It tastes delicious over a roasted root vegetable salad.

Mango Ginger And Turmeric Instant Pickle

The recipe below makes about 150g of pickle.


  • 100g mango ginger
  • 50g fresh turmeric roots
  • 3 green chillies
  • 4 limes/lemons
  • 2 tbsp pink Himalayan salt


  • Wash and wipe dry the mango ginger and turmeric roots. 
  • Lightly scrape the skins if required; if the roots are clean, avoid scraping the peels.
  • Slice the roots thinly lengthwise. Pile up slices and chop into 1-inch-long thin juliennes. 
  • Slit and halve the green chillies. Grate or peel the lime skins using a sharp peeler and chop finely.
  • In a bowl, combine the julienned mango ginger and turmeric, green chillies, chopped lime peel and salt. 
  • Juice the limes into the bowl. 
  • Combine the ingredients with a clean spoon and fill into a clean dry glass jar. 
  • This can be eaten along with any meal or you can add a spoonful of this pickle to a salad. 
  • It can be left out and eaten within five-six days. 
  • The liquid left over when the pickle is finished can be used in place of lime juice and salt in a salad dressing.


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